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A Few Words From My Inspiring Clients

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It Works


I am very grateful to be able to recommend ‘Anxiety No More’ . I am 83 years old and you don’t get to that age without making some mistakes. At the time they were hidden away. When retirement allowed time for reflection I found myself reliving and regretting these events. I even regretted some of my moderate successes which my mind turned into errors. I had nightmares for work events even though I retired 30 years ago. When I applied the technique in a calm, relaxed thoughtful way I was able to notice an improvement straight away. I created a mantra which works for me. Release the guilt. Accept my imperfections. Be comfortable with me now. I am safe. This has lifted such a weight from my mind. It doesn’t happen overnight but it will happen.

Highly Recommend


I've spent years trying to control my anxiety and spent some money on different modalities, but Kymberley has definitely helped the most. The healing starts off so subtle, and then before you know it, you're not reacting like you used to. I feel more calm and love that I can go back and work on other things with her recordings. You're one in a million Kymberley, and I truly appreciate you! Highly recommend!

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My Life Is Back On Track


When I arrived at Kymberley's and was greeted by her, I felt a warmth that felt very genuine and I  instantly liked her.

Within minutes of my session I started crying, which blew me away, as at first I couldn't understand why?

Although I went to Kymberley  for an alcohol addiction, it has turned out there was deeper meaning to my 'suffering'. After hypnosis I felt very emotional. But suddenly this dark heavy cloud surrounding most of my life just lifted.

My friends can see a change, I feel stronger, more empowered, confident. I just care about myself more.

I feel my drinking is under my control now and I won't be bullied anymore, so thank you Kymberley for getting my life back on track.

Excited About My Future

Namiah (16)

My anxiety was so bad that I thought I was losing my mind. I was unable to think clearly and my brain seemed to be foggy yet full of negative thoughts.  I felt so lost and hopeless, that I was never going to be back to my normal self. 


The moment I met Kymberley I felt she saw the real me through the fog. She explained how RTT would help me train my sub conscious thoughts and help improve ways on how I view myself.  I now feel back to normal, positive and excited about my future. I cannot thank Kymberley enough for the support and help she has given me.


Kymberley had completely inspired me to reach out and support other teens who are suffering from eating disorders, anxiety and depression.  I now see the great potential that I’ve always had inside of me, thank you Kymberley for everything you have done for me!

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Feel Like A New Woman


When I sought help from Kymberley Carter-Paige I had been through a fairly traumatic time in my life. Diagnosed with an illness and having issues within my employment I felt very lost. Normally a very strong person and able to cope with most things life deals me I was really struggling this time.


I had had hypnotherapy in the past and I have always found it very beneficial. I decided to work with Kymberley because she came highly recommended.

I am so glad I did because now I feel like I am going to be ok, better than ok but great. Through hypnotherapy I realised the impact of how others can make you feel but how you can make the decision not to have those people in your life. I also learnt that it was alright to let things go and be true to your own wants and desires.

Thanks to Kymberley I feel like a new woman and very excited about what my future holds for me.

My Drinking Was Out Of Control


I have been drinking for a number of years, but for the last 5 years a lot more...well every night, more or less and at least one bottle a night. I was even staying up late and drinking on my own and then falling asleep with a glass in my hand. I knew it was getting out of control, but wasn't really ready to stop! 

Easter came and went, that's when I thought to myself, I'm out of control. I had drunk a stupid amount of wine and felt terrible for the whole long weekend!

I needed to make some changes, so I went on line and found Kymberley! She made me feel at ease and comfortable. We spoke about my drinking and what I wanted to achieve with hypnosis. I didn't want to give up altogether at this stage, just needed help to reduce my drinking and manage myself, so wanted to cut down to having 2 glasses or less.

After my first session with Kymberley I thought, did I go under? Has this worked? Kymberley gave me a recording that I had to listen too for 21 days. I'm on my 12th day and I've kept a record of how many wines I've had. In the 12 days I've had 7 glasses of wine, which for me is amazing to go from a bottle a night to 7 glasses for nearly 2 weeks!

For example last night having a nice meal, I had 2 wines. My husband went to bed, I stayed up to catch up on my TV programs. 12 days a go I would've opened another bottle, but I didn't, so to me that means it's worked!

Kymberley has helped me reduce my wine intake, helped me realise I don't need it anymore, plus I've lost a little bit of weight, so I'm very pleased with the results so far.

Thank you Kymberley I would certainly recommend you!       

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Recovering From Grief


In 2012, 2 days before Christmas I lost my husband as a result of a massive stroke.  He was 56.

2016 and I am still struggling to get over this shock. I was lucky if I slept 3 hours during the night and I wasn't eating regular meals. I was so run down and tired I had a bit of a turn and ended up in hospital.  

Talking to Kymberley, she offered to help me with a  hypnosis session.  Listening to a recording each night I was starting to have good night sleeps.  After 3 nights I didn't even get to the end of the recording, I just drifted off.

It has been 3 weeks and if I do wake up, I replay the recording and I go straight back to sleep. I am eating a lot better, and have a lot more energy.  

Thank you Kymberley for giving me my life back. 

My 18 Year Old Now Has A Future


Our 18-year-old son suffered from anxiety and depression because of concussion and the after effects, including an attempted suicide.

When I took him to Kymberley he was struggling to see a long-term plan forward for himself. When he could identify what he wanted to achieve he seemed unable to push himself to do so.

He had 2 sessions in total with Kymberley. As a note we thought listening to the recording might be a problem but it never was. The 1st session helped him to move into a more positive mindset resulting in less anxiety and depression. As a result, he was much less volatile and easier to live with. We saw glimpses of positive characteristics of our son that we thought he had lost.

We felt he needed a 2nd session to help him to really move forward. Since this session the change in him is incredible. He is still on medication but we are slowly reducing this with the GP’s support.

He has achieved his Learners License and is relaxed and motivated to practice and work towards his Restricted License. He has started a course at Toi Oho Mai and is doing well both academically and physically (2 areas he previously struggled to find motivation in), he has begun private swimming lessons (an area he previously would not acknowledge he needed help with) and he is trusting people, putting himself out there and slowly beginning to form new friendships.

He can now see many paths forward for himself and truly believes he can achieve whatever he wants to.

As parents this turnaround in him is such a relief after 3 years of struggle and stress. Kymberly has healed his trauma and given him back a future.


We highly recommend RTT, it certainly has been transformative for him and our family.

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Bullied No More


I was particularly skeptical about the Hypnotherapy process as I was concerned about the dangers of mind manipulation or control. I was pleasantly surprised that it was nothing like how I had imagined.


I have had an incredible breakthrough of not longer allowing others to bully, demean and attack me to the point of devastation. I am stronger and more certain of myself and I now no longer allow toxic people to harm me.

30 Years Of Upset Tummy and Sleep Problems - Gone


To whom this mite concern , I have just been treated by my Hypnotherapist Kimberly Carter for Anxierty to Petrol Diesel fumes and All things petroleum being oil glues ETC , after half a dozen visits I am so pleased to say I'm fully recovered after 30 plus years of upset tummy's, sleep problems etc . Kimberly is one amazing lady and would recommend her any day for these types of problems. Cheers joe Cunningham

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I Was At Wits End With My Anxious Daughter


I want to thank you so much for your help with my daughter (miss12year old). I can see how her re-coding has helped with my daughter's anxiety, she has calmed so much, small things that used to set her into an emotional over drive have pretty much stopped.

We had a few things that needed ironing out and Kymberley helped with that too, we have little things that we now practice in our day to day living and it’s helping us all as a family.

I can see this is a passion for Kymberley she truly cares and is amazing at what she does.

Thank you so much❤️ from a mother at my wits end.😳

No More Drug Addiction


Just wanted to share my personal experience with this wonderful and magical RTT I had last week, and yes I said Magical because it absolutely is!

Way too many "incidents" happened in my life since a very early age, including physical, psychological and sexual abuse and all that was stopping me from overcoming my really long-term addiction for over 23 years...


After only 1 session and listening to my recording every single day (btw, the recording is SO COOL! I am actually addicted to it now LOL. I listen to it every night at least 3 times in a row, and during the day if I have a break I use the time so I can listen to my Magical recording! It is THAT COOL I swear!)

My addiction problem is not a problem anymore! I am coming off that drug with no physical withdraws! I have more confidence now too!!! My creativity increased SO much as well, as my addiction had also made my creativity be pretty much completely blocked...

The same night of my first session, I was able to sit down with my guitar and start creating new fresh tunes as my first album recording is happening in only 3 more weeks! Now I can also do it! This therapy is simply incredible and DOES work like Magic!

This world would be a way better place if more people had the opportunity to experience this therapy.  I wish I had more money so I could pay for sessions to give away to help more people like it helped me!

Grammy Awards, be ready cos here I come!  Thank you Kymberley, you are an angel here for us all.  Everybody should try your RTT.

With all my heart and Love

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I Can Sleep Again


I went to Kymberley as I was having sleep difficulties, mainly due to stress. I ended up coming away having learnt things about myself that clarified other issues in my life – issues that I hadn’t even been aware of, or had buried. 

Kymberley was very professional and made me feel totally comfortable, initially just chatting and having a cuppa.   

Hypnosis is not scary at all; you just need to have an open mind and want to help yourself. 

I would highly recommend Kymberley to anyone no matter what issues you may be having. 

My Son Can Face The World Again


Kymberley has helped our teenage son transform his life and open up a whole new world of opportunities, all with one visit.

Our son is 19 years old and has a physical disability which makes him feel self-conscious and as he has got older it has created strong anxiety which has severely limited his life. We had tried lots of avenues with social workers, support agencies and were really feeling bleak about his future and decided to try a session with Kymberley.

He was at a point where he wouldn’t use public transport, disliked having to leave the house, and often refused to participate in social occasions outside of our home. When faced with new situations he would make himself physically ill and be unable to interview for jobs and was reluctant to be anywhere but at home.

His session with Kymberley was in June and the effect was immediate. He has continued to absolutely shock us with the complete shift in his behaviour. He has since done things on his own that other people may take for granted but to us they have been gigantic leaps in confidence.

He regularly and happily now takes public transport, is now on a fulltime course. He has participated in work experience where he worked with the public in a hospitality setting, he has taken himself shopping for a new wardrobe on his own. These are so far beyond what we could ever have expected.

He had a setback recently after a horrible experience on public transport and I was so worried he would go backwards, but after speaking to Kymberley he listened to his recording again and he was fine. This was a relief and I feel very positive for his future.

Things have changed so much for him and we have booked him a flight to Canada in December and he is planning to live there for a number of months with his sister. This is something which would have been impossible prior to his session and still astounds us.

I can highly recommend Kymberley and am so thankful we took the opportunity to try this for our son as it has changed our lives.    

Mother and Son

Google Reviews

My wonderful clients are also generous enough to leave me fantastic reviews on Google. If you'd like to check these out as well, you'll find them here.

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My physical clinic is in Omokoroa, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.

However I'm delighted to assist clients via online session, regardless of where in the world you are.

© 2024 by Kymberley Carter-Paige.

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