Eliminate PTSD ot CPTSD in weeks. Take your life back,
Understanding PTSD: You Are Not Alone
Living with PTSD can feel like an endless battle. The memories, anxiety, and fear can seem insurmountable, affecting every aspect of your life—from your relationships to your sense of safety and well-being. We understand how overwhelming it can be, and we want you to know that you're not alone in this journey.
Understanding Your Internal Parts and How CATCH Hypnotherapy Can Help
Ego states are internal parts of ourselves that form during traumatic experiences as a protective mechanism. These parts, designed to shield us during difficult times, can linger within us, leading to distressing symptoms later in life when their protective strategies no longer align with our current way of living.
Where Are These Parts Inside Me?
Clients often ask, "Where are these parts inside me?" These ego states reside deep within your chest, solar plexus, or stomach, impacting how you react to triggers and stress.
If you’ve experienced significant trauma, you may have initially coped well. However, over time, you might notice heightened emotional reactions to certain triggers, with escalating responses in daily life.
Here’s what’s happening:
The Polaroid Picture Metaphor
Imagine every hurtful or overwhelming experience as a Polaroid picture taken at that moment, each tagged with an emotion like fear, anger, guilt, or injustice. These emotional snapshots are metaphorically stored in a cupboard within you, securely shut away.
Initially, with only a few traumas, the cupboard stays closed. Occasionally, you might open it briefly, acknowledge those emotions, and then close it again, returning to your daily routines. Yet, with each new trauma, another emotional snapshot is added, filling the cupboard until it overflows.
As the cupboard fills, emotions spill out uncontrollably, causing a chaotic cycle of anger, fear, depression, grief, and loss. Managing these emotions becomes exhausting, leading to physical symptoms like pain, high blood pressure, and fatigue.
Eventually, the cupboard metaphorically bursts open, overwhelming you with a flood of unresolved emotions. Apathy often sets in—a common sign of PTSD.
How CATCH Hypnotherapy Can Help?
As a CATCH hypnotherapist, I provide compassionate support to help you navigate this emotional landscape. Through hypnotherapy, we confront each "Polaroid" and its associated emotion, understanding their origins and addressing their needs. Some emotions may be appeased simply by acknowledging them, while others may require deeper exploration and resolution.
My goal is to help you clear this internal space so that you can fill it with joy, happiness, and positivity. Whether your emotional "cupboard" feels overwhelming or you’re just beginning to notice its contents, contact me today for a free consultation. I’m here to guide you toward healing and reclaiming control over your emotional well-being.
C.A.T.C.H Hypnotherapy: Reclaiming Your Life from PTSD
PTSD is not a life sentence; it is a subconscious injury requiring subconscious therapy. Clinical hypnotherapy has successfully eliminated PTSD symptoms for over a century, even in cases as severe as those experienced during World Wars and the Vietnam War.
Emotional trauma, often leading to PTSD or Complex PTSD (CPTSD), is not a sign of being "too broken to treat." Hypnotherapy can give you your life back in weeks, no matter how long you've been struggling. It is a gentle, deeply relaxing therapy that doesn't require endless talking.
As a CATCH therapist, I understand that substance abuse often goes hand-in-hand with PTSD/CPTSD. It’s a coping mechanism to maintain normalcy, and no one expects you to give it up before treatment. That’s why you need treatment.
When Anger Isn’t Just Anger
One of the main symptoms of PTSD is anger. Labels like Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) and Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) describe different levels of this anger. However, anger is not the problem—it’s a symptom masking deeper needs, such as a lack of security, support, or love.
Anger is often a strong, active emotion that the body prefers over fear, loss, or guilt. But suppressing it can lead to severe physical consequences, such as high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, or even cancer.
Some therapists and treatment centers shy away from treating people with anger issues, insisting on anger management first. But anger is the reason you need therapy in the first place. As a CATCH hypnotherapist, I recognise that anger is a symptom, not the problem itself.
Through hypnotherapy, we create a dialogue between your internal parts—those that want to move forward and those that hold you back. This process is like hostage negotiation meets couples counseling. It allows us to understand the needs of each part, find compromises, and bring your life back into balance.
The String of Fairy Lights
Our minds are incredible, capable of finding healing in the most unexpected ways. One of my clients, a US Marine with severe PTSD, experienced a transformative moment during hypnosis. He described his trauma as a string of fairy lights, each representing a difficult or traumatic event. As he traced back through the lights, he found the "plug" that connected them all—his first moment of fear. By mentally "unplugging" that string, he was able to switch off all his PTSD symptoms instantly.
What’s Involved?
The C.A.T.C.H. program consists of 6 sessions (or more if needed) where you are guided into a deeply relaxed state to access your Internal Family Systems (IFS) or 'Internal Parts.' This allows you to understand and adjust underlying triggers and behaviors.
These underlying symptoms, triggers and behaviours may include:
Overwhelm and Brain Fog
Guilt and Shame
Fear and Anxiety
Fear of Judgment
Imagine Life Without PTSD
What would your life look like if you were free from the grips of PTSD? Imagine waking up without the heavy burden of anxiety, being able to enjoy moments of peace and joy without the fear of sudden flashbacks or panic attacks. Picture yourself reconnecting with loved ones, feeling confident, safe, and in control of your emotions and your life.
This is not just a dream—it’s a reality that many have achieved through the transformative power of clinical hypnotherapy.
If you’re ready to explore your mind and reclaim your life, contact me for a free consultation. It isn’t over until you begin!
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