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Day 13 Laughter is the best medicine

Do something that makes you smile

When we are taken out of our comfort zone or we feel out of control of our situation or future, we can lose our sense of humour. It is important to actively seek out things that create joy or make us laugh. Avoid getting sucked into the ‘doom and gloom’. Try some of these to lighten your mood:

  • Switch off the T.V. and listen to some uplifting music.

  • Phone a friend who makes you laugh.

  • Go down memory lane within your bubble remembering embarrassing or funny things you have experienced

  • Go back to the old party games like Charades, Twister, even hide and seek with the people in your bubble

  • Practice an online dance class or Zumba, (I know when I do these it is hilarious to everybody watching)

  • Google funny jokes and read them out loud to your bubble

Laughter can be used to boost our immune systems, reduce anxiety and lift the mood in depression, the best thing is, it costs nothing. Enjoy 😊

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