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Day 12 Limit your Media Exposure

Day 12 Limit your media exposure

Day 12 Limit your media

Fear and Anxiety live in the mind. Most of the things we worry about in life are just thoughts. The majority of us at this time right now we are safe. It can be tempting to search for information to find the worse case scenario. This is to seemingly inform and protect us. It doesn't. In order to maintain good mental health you need to focus on the positive things. I'm not saying ignore what is going on, that would be foolish. What I am saying is Look at the government guidelines, follow those and then go and find something fun to do. Listen to your favourite music, be a kid again and play with the children and their toys. Focus on three things you are grateful for (maybe that you and your family are safe and well). Connect with friends online or over the phone and talk about anything other than the virus. Read a good fiction book, the library have free E books if you are a member.

Stay away from the negative fear mongering media it will not help the situation, as fear breeds fear. Get out of your head and into your NOW. :-)

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